Judy Jackson named December Fittest Employee of the Month

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Doug Richey†(left) presents Judy Jackson with a fruit and†vegetable gift basket for being named NTCC?s Fittest Employee†of the Month for December. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude.†The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a January recipient!

Here are a few words from Judy about her personal wellness plan?


Aww Shucks!† It only took me 28 + years to establish and maintain a habit of fitness.† After I relocated to the Hanson Sewell Center, the local Boot Camp participants invited me to join in their morning ritual.† We meet Monday-Friday mornings outside in the local church parking lot. (If the temp is 39 or below, a local business allows us inside for a warmer workout).† †I usually arrive at 5:00 a.m. and walk a couple miles prior to workout which begins at 5:30 and runs for 45 minutes.† Then typically, some of us walk another mile.†† February will mark an entire year of my sticking to it!† As Dr. Seabourne will attest, that is a major accomplishment for me.† There is no telling how many times I enrolled in one of his infamous early morning workout classes only to drop midstream.† Working so hard to become healthier, losing pounds along the way, led to a more conscious and healthy way of eating.† †That is still a work in progress for me but I am more conscious of what I put into my mouth and of its potential impact.† I encourage those who have also caught the ?fitness bug? to maintain for as long as your health allows.† And, for those who?ve been erratic like me, or are still thinking about it, Just Do It!† If it is a 10 minute brisk walk around campus or early morning crunches, it?s a start to a better life.† And, if you can make it, head on down to the Pittsburg?s Baptist Church parking lot and we?ll get YOU started!


Judy Jackson


Director of Educational Services and Community Relations/Camp County

Hanson ? Sewell Center