Joyce Ellison Currey Memorial nursing scholarship established at NTCC

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The Preston Currey Family, of Hughes Springs, recently gave $10,000 to establish the Joyce Ellison Currey Memorial Scholarship at 91²Ö¿â. The perpetual scholarship will be used to provide financial assistance to students majoring in nursing at NTCC. Joyce Ellison Currey was a nurse at Titus Regional Medical Center for decades and spent her career lovingly caring for patients and mentoring the next generation of nurses. Preston Currey said the family agreed that a scholarship to benefit future nurses seemed like the appropriate way to honor the life and career of his extraordinary wife, Joyce. Preston (center) is pictured with his son, Stephen, (left), presenting the gift to Dr. Jonathan McCullough, NTCC Executive Vice President for Advancement. To learn more about this and other scholarships at NTCC, contact McCullough at 903-434-8115 or visit to make a donation today.