For questions or to put materials on reserve, call ext. 8151.
If you want to put personal materials (study guides, old tests, sample papers, magazine or journal articles, books, videos) on reserve, bring them to the library and complete the appropriate form. Be sure your name is on any personal copies of books or videos. Please send copies only of all print materials. We try to check that all pages are returned each time, but students do occasionally walk out with reserve copies. If this happens, we will contact you for more copies of the originals.
The library staff follows federal copyright guidelines regarding the reproduction of copies for reserve purposes. As a college instructor, you are responsible for understanding how copyright affects your classes. To learn more about copyright in the classroom, see our LibGuide "".
To place items on reserve, you must provide the following information:
- Name of instructor
- Class name and number
- Title of item (also call number if item is from library's collection)
- Author
- Number of copies to be placed on reserve
- Whether item is your personal copy
- Conditions of use (e.g., Library use only, overnight checkout)
- Date of request
- Date item is to be removed from reserve
- Other special instructions (e.g., copying not allowed)